
Evangelhouse Christian Academy Families!

Bedsiide works directly with Evangelhouse to provide families with out of network billing services for the expenses they have or will incur for the specialized treatment of their adolescent.

Bedsiide Assistant

Why Do You
Need a Bedsiide Assistant?

A cash-based facility is one that does not accept insurance. Filing claims for cash based facility treatment takes time - often many weeks of follow-ups, regular submissions of documentation, and ongoing requests and demands of proof of medical necessity. When building a claim, you want experts on your team working hard to achieve successful reimbursements from your insurance company. Your assistant is a highly trained billing, medical coding and insurance expert that will help you navigate the increasingly complex behavioral health insurance & reimbursement system - reducing stress, saving time, and getting you maximum return. You are assigned an assistant and never have to work with someone not familiar with your case.

Contact Us
Bedsiide is Different!

How is
Bedsiide Different?



We are transparent and honest about your policy, challenges that we may face along the claims filing journey, and how the claims are processing.


You are assigned a direct contact and never have to work with someone that does not know your case inside-out.


We walk directly beside you as we navigate the nuances that often come with therapeutic boarding school billing, answering any questions or concerns that you may have.


You pay a monthly flat fee. There is no guesswork on how much you will owe us once the claims have processed. We don’t take a percentage of your reimbursement deductible, or coinsurance.


Billing Assistant Services

A Bedsiide healthcare assistant is a concierge that helps you navigate the complexities of the healthcare system.

FREE Verification of Benefits

We will explain what out of network behavioral health benefits are covered by your insurance plan.

Create & Submit all Insurance Claims

We file all claims for Evangelhouse charges as well as minor appeals.


We will describe in details everything Weekly Follow Up Calls or emails.


Monthly Fee


Fee includes:
  • Review of available clinical documentation.
  • Create itemized billable therapeutic services as noted in documentation.
  • Therapeutic service coding (by certified medical coder) for up to 5five providers.
  • Claim form completion.
  • Claim form emailed to family to submit to insurance on their own.
Complete Your Verification of Benefits

Take the First Step to Recoup Your Wilderness Program Expenses

The Verification of Benefits determines:

Once the Verification of Benefits is completed, Bedsiide emails you a Benefit Analysis that outlines our findings to aid in determining if proceeding with filing would be financially beneficial to you.


Therapeutic Boarding School – Claims Process Timeline

Child enrolls in a Therapeutic Boarding School


Program initiates clinical services for child and family

Within 2 business days you will receive:

An email with your insurance carrier’s HIPPA form granting permission to represent you in all insurance matters

Please note

Service cannot begin until:

  • The HIPPA form has been signed and returned
  • The clinical services invoice (or medical record) has been provided by client or directly from program


Program completes clinical reports from 30-45 days after services are rendered.

Program provides invoice


Billing Assistant creates invoice from supplied clinical reports. If the report is not supplied, it cannot be billed.

Billing Assistant submits claims to your insurance carrier.

Updates regarding claim submission will be sent to you directly via e-mail from your Billing Assistant

100 - 200+

Biweekly status checks begin at day 100 (Typically 45 business days after claim submission)

Insurance carriers have 30-45 days from receipt of submission to acknowledge processing.

All updates regarding processing will be sent to you directly via email from your Billing Assistant

Therapeutic claims can take up to 60 business days to process. If any part of the claim denies and requires reprocessing, it can take up to an additional 60 business days.