We provide clients all over the world with architectural visualization and basic white modeling services. Our superior rendering for Ikkenya service has enabled architects, interior designers, builders, and brokers to present their work prior to the start of a project. These renderings are ideal for client presentations, marketing materials, and design validation.

3D Modeling

We create detailed 3D models of your designs, ensuring accurate representation of every element. Our skilled modelers use advanced software to bring your concepts to life with precision and detail.

Rendered production: START FROM ¥120000 White production: START FROM ¥50000

Including Furniture and Other Elements

Our 3D models can include furniture, fixtures, and other elements to provide a comprehensive view of the interior and exterior spaces. This helps in visualizing how the space will look once furnished.

Material, Texture, and Lighting

We apply realistic materials, textures, and lighting to the 3D models to enhance the visual appeal. Our experts ensure that every material and texture matches your specifications and that the lighting simulates natural and artificial sources accurately.

Including Environment

We incorporate environmental elements such as landscaping, surrounding buildings, and natural features to provide a realistic context for your project. This adds depth and realism to the renderings.

Final Rendered Production

We produce high-quality, photorealistic renderings that capture every detail of your design. These final renderings are perfect for presentations, marketing, and client approvals. Source File: We provide the source files of the renderings, allowing you to make adjustments or use the files for further development and documentation. Having access to the source files ensures flexibility and control over your project.

White production

3D Modeling: We create detailed 3D models that form the foundation of your project. These models include the basic geometry and spatial relationships of all components, ensuring accuracy from the start. Detail Modeling: Beyond the basic structure, we offer detailed modeling services that capture intricate design elements and finer details, providing a complete and thorough representation of your project. Source File: We provide the source files of the detailed models, allowing for further development and adjustments as needed. Access to these files ensures that you have complete control over your project data.

Other services
